Monday, February 22, 2010

21FEB 2010

seminar- Punjabi maat bhasha chintan samagam
Language is a medium of expressing one's feelings and emotions and Language loss is arguably the most pressing issue faced by contemporary nations. .Since all languages represent different ways of perceiving, mapping, and classifying the world, they act as repositories for cultural traditions and localized knowledge. The growing trend toward linguistic standardization threatens the existence of more marginalized cultures and ethnic customs, leaving only a few dominant tongues. In light of this, a seminar was organised by lok sahitya accademy on the theme " mat bhasha Punjabi chintan samagam).
A wide discussion was held on the theme by distinguished scholars of various feilds. Also a Documentary film was screened on the subject...It is not only Punjabi language is facing a serious challange rather hindi, english, marathi or say it any regional language is facing a similar threat of survival as globalingulism is becoming dominant....
The issue is really serious but such discussion must be held with the notion of secularism keeping in mind that indian society is a plural society. So adopting a approach than nationalistic one to show a concern is not a good idea...

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